Brief will be soft launching in Fall 2024! Join our waitlist to receive early access.

About Us

Brief is a revolutionary platform that caters to both consumers and relationship-based businesses, making it effortless to navigate the intricate details found in everyday contracts and agreements. By leveraging the power of data, we provide a personalized experience that guarantees security, transparency, and ease of understanding. With Brief, you can swiftly grasp the implications of what you're signing, ensuring a confident decision-making process in record time.

First Generation Immigrants...

We were started by first generation immigrants who grew up in this country witnessing their parents signing forms and documents they did not understand. We viewed (and fell for) everything from subscriptions to lemons to rentals.

We've grown up without heat in our apartments and assorted multi level marketing schemes in our backyard. We've been child translators in our communities for our parents, family and friends, and still are even 30 years later.

Transcending Language Barriers

Despite 2 masters degrees and a decade long career in tech, we noticed that when signing our first lease, buying our first house or buying a car - we still fall for the same traps our parents did.

We realized that understanding contracts and agreements are universal problems that transcended language barriers and affects everyone, regardless of education or upbringing.

As Founders Today

We go through vendor contracts, MSAs and terms and conditions every day- spending thousands of dollars on Attorney fees before Brief. We believe that the inequity we faced in consumer contracts are also found in business contracts- especially when working with large and incumbent players and services.

Spacious boardroomby Nastuh Abootalebi

Our Team

We're female-founded, human centered design driven & experienced entrepreneurs who have known each other for ~20 years. We've managed startups, gaming companies and major tech firms including Amazon & Microsoft.

Diana Tan

Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Wu

Chief Technology Officer

Interested in Partnering with Us?

We’d love to hear more from you! Contact us at

Request a Demo

We're currently prioritizing founders & small businesses and would love to work with you on your business needs! Join the waitlist and we'll contact you to receive access.

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